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About sam


Dear rebelove,

     I created this company with the intention of helping women who struggle with their mental health, their body  image, or their self esteem. Being a woman in this world sometimes feels like an impossible task. I remember being five years old getting ready for school, and my mother dressed me in this horrible outfit. I hated my outfit, but the outfit wasn't the problem. I remember looking in the mirror that day, being that young, and hated what I saw in the reflection. I was a five year old little girl when I had my first mental health issue so I hope that gives you some insight on why I am going into this line of work. Growing up through my teenage years I struggled even more with my mental and physical health. Family troubles, my first run in with grief, girls bullying me at school because I didn't want to wear the color pink, picking on me for being a "tomboy" when I was just athletic and liked the color blue, boys making fun of me because I grew earlier than everyone else did. Honestly, the list can go on and on at that time of my life. I developed extreme self esteem issues, depression, anxiety, other mental health concerns, and the feeling that still haunts me even some days... the feeling of not feeling good enough. 


I feel like everyone has to go through a period of time that completely destroys them in order for them to change or become the person they are meant to become in their lifetime. Over the past 2 years, I sadly have been meeting grief in the harshest way due to my best friend of 20 years passing away suddenly, Morgan. It was traumatizing, and I struggled with areas of a women's mental health I have never dealt with before, experiencing symptoms of PTSD. Right before my best friend passed is when I felt like I was healing from my childhood the most because I started putting in the work by going to the gym, indulging in my therapy, journaling, not going out or partying as much, eating healthier, investing in my education, actually healing. Morgan always supported me on my journey, and even started a journey of her own. Morgan was not an athlete growing up, but she came to almost every game of mine in whatever sport I was playing, sitting with my dad in the crowd, cheering me on. Watching her grow and push herself in the gym was something I was super proud of, and I cheered her on. Morgan and I now were both on a journey to better ourselves, our health, our habits, and hold each other accountable as best friends. Morgan is a huge part of why I am building this company, why it's important to have a community of women motivating each other, and I hope through RebeLove I can continue our journey, and make her proud. Morgan loved neon colors, so that is why the company logo of RebeLove is neon pink! 


Even though some parts of my story have been sad that is not where my story ends. All of the pain I have ever experienced in my life made me into the alchemist I am today, having the ability to turn my pain into power. Every storm runs out of rain at some point, and the eyes also run out of tears. I might have struggled with self-esteem, and processing certain emotions growing up and over the past two years, but I am a person who continues with her head high no matter how I am feeling. One of my mother's favorite sayings is, "Fake it till you make it", and even though there is nothing fake about me, sometimes you have to put that smile on your face no matter how you are feeling, and "Carry On" as my Father would say. Leaning into the practices of my self care at the lowest points of my life made me realize I was stronger than I thought, and made me realize how much I have grown since I was a teenager. Staying consistent with the gym to move the trauma out of my body, fueling my body with nutrients to keep me strong and healthy, and reaching for my journal when I feel emotions getting too heavy to keep in my brain, have all been healthy outlets for me to cope rather than making bad decisions that will affect me in negative ways. I am only human and no matter what I sometimes just have a bad day. However, due to my self care, I really have been able to stay afloat through the darkest times of my life. 


The thing about RebeLove is that I used my own wellness company and the RebeLove practices against myself first. If I can do it for myself than I can do it for other women who might be struggling with their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love. How many personal trainers or wellness coaches do you know that have gone through the journey themselves? I believe in fighting through my mental health struggles and self esteem issues on my own, gave me a closer insight on how my future clients feel, bonding with them on a deeper level, and always carrying the empathy of what it feels like to not feel good enough in my heart. I have always been a leader whether it was on the basketball court or in life. I have always been able to connect with people whether I am singing on a stage or serving them their drinks at the bar. This line of work is just another avenue for me to connect with women, and build a strong community by bringing women together. My goal is one by one having women rebel against the negative voices inside themselves, and against any outside noise to rebel to love themselves. RebeLove will be our personal contributions together as women to develop into our highest selves, making a better world, and a better future for the generations of women that will come after us. 




                                                                                                                    LOVE SAM

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